Got Meat?
Our world is full of division. Differences in opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. Our world wants to use these points to separate us from each other. However, God seeks to unite us together as one family in him--he desires for us to love first. Join us as we walk through the book of 1 Corinthians. As we dive headfirst into this next season riddled with division, let us let God guide us into “living that Ohana life”--together.
TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.
1. Who are your favorite preachers you love listening to? Let’s just assume Pastor Jordan is already on that list 😀 List them and talk about why you like them.
2. What are the main areas you tend to agree or disagree with? Are they doctrinal (faith and practice), theological (Biblical positions), political (speak to current culture) or practical (just personally encouraging)?
3. What did you think Paul was referring to with milk vs meat?
4. What do you think of the concept of milk being compared to the law/rules verses meat being compared to love and principles?
5. Do you believe that unity and being one body is possible with young believers or does it take maturity?