Powerful Connections

Jan 10, 2021    Together, Unity, Love, Hope, Jesus, God, Purpose, Division, Cross, Life, Failure, Potential, Sin

Our world is full of division. Differences in opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. Our world wants to use these points to separate us from our fellow brothers and sisters. However, God seeks to unite us together as one family in him--he desires for us to love first. So as we dive headfirst into this next season riddled with division, let us let God guide us into “living that Ohana life”--together.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

1. What do i feel most connected to in life right now? What do i feel most disconnected from in life right now?

2. When have i felt connected to others during the last 6 months? How can i create that for others?

3. When have I felt connected to hope in the last 6 months? How can i create that for others?

4. How have I grown the most in the last six months? How can i hold myself accountable for change in the next 6 months?

5. TODAY: How can I ask someone to pray for me about ONE THING the Holy Spirit spoke to me through today’s gathering?