Our Small Groups provide a place for people to continue to meet,
care for one another, study the Word and pray for each other.

Find a group that fits you and join us!

Adult Small Groups

Next- Gen Small Groups

For a full list and details on our Next- Gen small groups, click the link below!

This includes all small groups from ages 0-18 years old.

Women's Small Groups

For a full list and details on our women's small groups, click the link below!

Men's Small Groups

For a full list and details on our men's small groups, click the link below!

Life Stages Small Groups

For a full list and details on our small groups pertaining to Life Stages, click the link below!

Community Small Groups

For a full list and details on our small groups pertaining to community, click the link below!

Spiritual Formation Small Groups

For a full list and details on our small groups pertaining to spiritual formation, click the link below!