Hear a message from Pastor Keith Robinson JUST FOR YOU!
Don't do life alone! Get connected!
Mesa has a fantastic young adults group that meets regularly. We would love it if you would join! Check out our young adults page for more information and for some awesome resources.
Follow us on social media!
Our website has so many cool resources and ways to connect. Click on our logo in the upper lefthand corner to be redirected to our homepage. The menu bar at the top of your screen has tabs and sections of our website for you to navigate with.
Want to get plugged in by serving?
Life transformation happens when you use the gifts that God gave you to serve. Are you interested in getting plugged in by joining a dream team?
We have many fun ways to serve. From being a youth leader, to creatives, worship, connecting with our kids, tech and many others! You can find a list below of the various teams. If you are interested in serving in any of these groups, use the link below to sign up and we will reach out to you directly!
Areas that you can serve in are...
-Worship Team
-Tech Team
-Production Team (service livestream, cameras, ProPresentor etc)
-Creatives Team
-Youth Team (become a youth leader)
-Kids Team (become a kids leader, teach Sunday School, work in childcare, all kids under 7th grade)
Would you like more information about Mesa Church? Want to join a Small Group or get baptized? Use this card to connect with us!
If you would like a call from someone on our team for more information or a chance to ask specific questions, you can mark so on the connect card.
Download our app for more features and resources by using this QR code, or by following this link!