Mesa FREEDOM Small Groups

AA/RAD (Recovery & Discovery)

We provide a traditional AA meeting for those who are seeking freedom from alcohol or any other addiction. Once we finish our AA meeting then we take a brief break for some coffee and dessert and enter into our RAD meeting (Recovery and Discovery). AA talks about the Big Book - RAD talks about the Bigger Book where freedom is found for an eternity! Join us and see what this is all about!

Financial Peace University

Have you experienced financial problems? Would you like to be FREE of money mis-management and be able to see your fianancial goals realized? Financial Peace University takes biblical principles for managing one of the resources that God has given us, money, and turn our lives around so that we can serve Him with this amazing resource!

First Tuesday Potluck (WHY)

Check back in for more information later!

W.H.Y. (Women Harnessing Yesterday) Grief Support

W.H.Y. (Women Harnessing Yesterday) Grief Support is for women learning to cope with life’s losses. If grieving a death, a divorce, or any other type of loss, this group offers a safe place for women to connect with each other in giving and receiving courage, help and comfort. Women of all ages are welcome.