Help us prepare for our Sunday morning serving opportunities by cleaning our space! We need some help making our space for Dream Team servers to look clean and tidy.  This includes building storage for VBS and Christmas supplies.

Leader: Matt Noble  Matt Noble Matt
Location: Dream Team Central

Goal: Build out the storage area above the stage and move VBS and Christmas tubs up there.

Looking for people with handyman skills or strength and the ability to assist.

Leader: Matt Noble
Ages:  Teen to Adult
Restroom Accessibility: Yes
Transportation: Drive to location
Location: Mesa Church Dream Team Central
Number of volunteers needed: Open

Contact information for your project lead!

Lead: Matt Noble
After you register, we will meet in the auditorium for a round up and prayer.  You will then meet with Matt, your lead, and will all go to your project space, Dream Team Central.  Once you meet there, you will get your project instructions!


Meeting Spot – Auditorium
8:30: T-shirts distributed and sign ups
9:00: Welcome, Vision & Prayer (Sharon)
9:15: People meet with their Serve Team Lead
9:30: Serve projects BEGIN
12:00p: End of Serve Day