Leaning Into Relationship

Feb 25, 2024    Jordan Hansen

Even though I am introverted, I have learned that I need people in my life. And even though people, at least people like me, are messy, I must be willing to enter into the risk of relationship. How do I do that? I must be willing to give up what is my most valuable resource. That resource is not money because we can always make more money. That resource is TIME. Once spent, we will never recover it. And without time, there is NO RELATIONSHIP.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 

1. Describe a time when i felt most connected to a spiritual community? What were the contorting factors?

2. How does Luke’s description of community in Acts 2 challenge my understanding of relationship within the church?

3. Why is hanging out and eating together beneficial both scientifically and spiritually to my life?

4. How can I prioritize meaningful connections and relationships in my already “full” life?

5. PRAYER: “Father, help me to be devoted to the kind of relationships that will build genuine community.”