Free To Be Me

Jan 2, 2022    Pete Campbell

Many of us think freedom means we can do whatever we want. But true freedom isn’t about
choosing to do whatever we want... but choosing to be more like Jesus. When we Know God. When we understand the gift of Salvation that is found in Jesus. The comparison game is over! My name is known by God. I Am Free To Be Me!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions | Thoughts to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

How can I start this week with Gratitude?

How can I increase my focus over these 21 Days?

Don't always pick the very best person in every discipline to compare yourself to.
Who inspires you? Look at what can you learn from them versus how you compare to them.

Compare progress gained in your life, not just the things that need to be gained.

How far have you come? Where can you find joy in the progress.

Who can you publicly Praise for their success?

Who can you give credit that has helped you go from where you were to where you are

Notice who might be struggling with comparison to you?