Turning on the Lights "Social Media"

May 16, 2021    Insomnia, Social media, can't sleep, keeping me up, mental health

What keeps you up at night? The endless fights with stress, the future, the world around us. How do we silence these thoughts? How do we bring light to the dark places of our minds? Join us through "Insomnia" as we learn how to turn on those lights.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.
How old was I when I got my first social media account? How has it been a tool for good and/or bad?
If people were to analyze my “timeline” years from now, what would they discover about my life?
What boundaries can i implement with “screen time” to limit negative outcomes? What are the boundaries for my kids?
What are some specific ways i can spread a positive message of hope and/or promote Kingdom causes?
PRAYER: “Father, give us wisdom regarding social media. Let it be a tool for your Kingdom working in our lives.”