Enough is Enough!

Nov 12, 2023    Jordan Hansen

God doesn’t want something FROM us…He wants something FOR us. What does God want? He wants us to be able to be content with “enough.” Enough is a choice! How do we get to the place, in our own hearts, where we are truly trusting God for the provision of our lives? Do we trust God enough to give generously? Jesus boldly stated, "Where our treasure is there our hearts are also." Let's take the bold step of faith to trust God with our finances!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 

1. What does it mean for me to choose "enough" in my life?

2. How does the Biblical pattern of the first fruits or the tithe develop and Scripture? What does the NT pattern reflect?

3. Reflect on Jesus' statement, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Are my financial priorities aligned with a “heart after God?”

4. How would the financial impact (e.g., paying off the mortgage, supporting missionaries, serving the community) influence our local community and beyond if every believer at Mesa embraced a lifestyle of generosity?

5. PRAYER: “Father, change our hearts so that our hearts will reflect you mission, your vision, and your values.