Persevering through the Pain

Feb 20, 2022

The Israelites faced opposition in rebuilding the Temple. We, too, will have internal and external threats to our commitment to the purposes of God. Even Jesus warns us that "in this world, we will have trouble." Where has the work stopped?

CLICK MORE for Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

1. What is the greatest threat to Christianity, as I see it, in the world today?
2. Where has a relationship threatened the work of God through a slow erosion of Christian definitions & values?
3. Where am I afraid, discouraged, or facing a bully? What work is stopped or being threatened?
4. Where have I been unfairly assaulted by accusations because of misunderstanding of my faith?
5. PRAYER: “Father, build strength in us as as we persevere through the trails & temptations of this life.”