A letter from Pastor Jordan...

The beginning of Nahum 1:15 says, “Look, A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news!” I can’t say that I am coming over the mountains, but I do have good news. Enclosed with this letter is your Annual Giving Statement which is the official report of your giving to Newport Mesa Church in 2020.

Let me first express my deepest gratitude for the generosity you have shown to our church. We could not do the life-giving and life-changing ministry we do each and every day without this. I know that you give so generously in honor of the Lord first, but I also know that this says, “I love my church and I believe in what my church is doing.”

I want you to know that your church loves and believes in you right back! Your Annual Giving Statement (which will be emailed separately to safeguard confidentiality) is the report you would use as proof of your charitable giving in filing your taxes. If for any reason this doesn’t look right according to your records, then please contact Mary Arancibia in Accounting right away so that we can reconcile this for you.

Now back to being the ‘messenger of good news’ part that I mentioned in the opening of this letter. I want to reflect and report to you the difference that your giving made in 2020. Please take time to reflect on each and every piece of ‘good news’ we wanted to lay out for you here.


Your generosity to the church helps create more opportunities for people to know God through our weekend services as well as our many outreach efforts so that they can experience a life-changing relationship with him.

find freedom

Your cheerful giving impacts eternity for generations, as people find freedom in Christ. Real life change happens best in the context of authentic relationships. Our Small Groups provide a place to connect, pray, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. We averaged 35 groups each season.

discover purpose

By contributing to what Newport Mesa Church is doing, you help others discover their redemptive purpose and live the life God created for them. Invite a friend and go with them to the next Growth Track.

Make a difference

We give because God first gave to us. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. God has a unique place where you can use your abilities and passions. Serving alongside others on the Dream Team gives you the opportunity to be used by God, to impact the lives of others.
That is a lot of good news! As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter…thank you. There is no way around the reality that it takes financial resources to do the life-giving, life-changing ministry God has called Newport Mesa Church to do.

God has big plans for us in 2021. I’m excited to generously give my time, talent, and treasure into those plans and I hope you will come alongside me and do the same. Here we go!

Please begin using the new office address:
17682 Mitchell N. Ste 205, Irvine, CA 92614.
For those that use an on-line banking platform, please notify your bank of the change.