This Christmas season, Mesa Church warmly invites you to experience the profound beauty of "The Wonder of Christmas," our special series that celebrates the awe-inspiring reality of God’s love, made known through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Starting Sunday, December 8th, our worship gatherings throughout the month will lead us deeper into the beauty and meaning of the Christmas story. From the fulfillment of ancient prophecies to the miracle of the incarnation and the joy of salvation, we’ll rediscover the Wonder of the greatest gift ever given.
Pastor Keith & Samantha Robinson
Fun for the whole family!
What a bright time, it’s the right time...for a “Gingerbread Bash!” Bring your family and friends to build gingerbread nativities, hear the Christmas story from the Bible, and discover that Jesus is the sweetest gift ever!
Sunday Services
December 8 & 15, 10 AM
(All Mesa Kids/Youth programs available.)
12.8 - Baptism Sunday | 12.15 - Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday
12.8 - Baptism Sunday | 12.15 - Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday
December 22, 10 AM
Family Service
Nativity Play, Hot Chocolate and Cookies.
(Children's programs through 5 years old.)
christmas Eve serviceS
December 24, 5 PM
Family Candlelight Service
(Children's programs through 3 years old.)